From Relation to Emulation and Interpretation: Computer Algebra Implementation of the Covering Lemma for Finite Transformation Semigroups with C.L.Nehaniv, Proceedings of the 28th International Conference of Implementation and Application of Automata, CIAA 2024, Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS Vol. 15015, pp 138-152, DOI 10.1007/978-3-031-71112-1_10, preprint
Algebraic Structure and Complexity of Games with T. Gao and C.L. Nehaniv, Proceedings of the VI AMMCS International Conference, Waterloo, Canada, 2023, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics (to appear)
The Attractor-Cycle Notation for Finite Transformations with C.L.Nehaniv, Proceedings of the VI AMMCS International Conference, Waterloo, Canada, 2023, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics (to appear)
On Constructing Finite Automata by Relational Programming with C.L.Nehaniv,Proceedings of the VI AMMCS International Conference, Waterloo, Canada, 2023, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics (to appear)
Skeleton Key: Subduction Classes in Finite Transformation Semigroups and Green’s Relations with C.L.Nehaniv, Proceedings of the VI AMMCS International Conference, Waterloo, Canada, 2023, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics (to appear)
The cost of passing-using deep learning AIs to expand our understanding of the ancient game of Go (extended verison), with A. Törmänen International Journal of Networking and Computing 13 (2), 258-272
The cost of passing–using deep learning AIs to expand our understanding of the ancient game of Go, with A. Törmänen, 2022 Tenth International Symposium on Computing and Networking (CANDAR), 90-96, 10.1109/CANDAR57322.2022.00019
Advancing Human Understanding with Deep Learning Go AI Engines with A. Törmänen, Proceedings 2022, 81(1), 22; DOI
A New Model of Mathematics Education: Flat Curriculum with Self-Contained Micro Topics with Miklós Hoffmann, Philosophies 2021, 6(3), 76; DOI
A Bestiary of Transformation Semigroups for the Holonomy Decomposition. with Chrystopher L. Nehaniv, In: Recent Developments in Mathematical, Statistical and Computational Methods. (D. Marc Kilgour, Herb Kunze, Roman Makarov, Roderick Melnik and Sunny Wang, eds). Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics. (Accepted in 2020) ISBN 978-3-030-63590-9 publisher's page
Playing the Game of “Go” in an Integrated Mathematics and Computing Course, AIU Global Review Vol. 12, 2020, pp. 19-32. ISSN 2435-2489 PDF
The Game Is Not over Yet—Go in the Post-AlphaGo Era with A. Törmänen, Philosophies 2020, 5(4), 37, 15 pages, DOI, EISSN 2409-9287 PDF
A Path-Deformation Framework for Determining Weighted Genome Rearrangement Distance with S. Bhatia, S. Serdoz, C.E. Praeger and V. Gebhardt, Frontiers in Genetics, Vol. 11, 24 September 2020, Article 1035, 9 pages, DOI, EISSN: 1664-8021 PDF
Derived metrics for the game of Go - intrinsic network strength assessment and cheat-detection with A. Törmänen, In: Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Computing and Networking (CANDAR), pages 9-18, 2020, EISBN:978-1-7281-8221-6 DOI, preprint
Bacterial phylogeny in the Cayley graph with C. Clark, A.R. Francis and V. Gebhardt, Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications Vol. 11, No. 05, 1950059, 2019, ISSN: 1793-8309 DOI, preprint
Computing Finite Semigroups with J. East, J.D. Mitchell and Y. Péresse, Journal of Symbolic Computation Volume 92, May–June 2019, Pages 110-155, ISSN: 0747-7171 DOI, preprint
The Algebraic View of Computation: Implementation, Interpretation and TimePhilosophies 2018, 3(2), 15, 14 pages, EISSN 2409-9287 DOI, PDF
Enumerating Transformation Semigroups with J. East and J.D. Mitchell, Semigroup Forum 95, pages 109–125(2017), ISSN 0037-1912 DOI, preprint
Maximum likelihood estimates of pairwise rearrangement distances with S. Serdoz, J. Sumner, B.R. Holland, P.D. Jarvis, M.M. Tanaka, and A.R. Francis, Journal for Theoretical Biology Volume 423, 21 June 2017, Pages 31-40, ISSN 0022-5193 DOI, preprint
Finite Computational Structures and Implementations: Semigroups and Morphic Relations, International Journal of Networking and Computing, Volume 7, Number 2
, pages 318–335, July 2017, (extended version of the CANDAR 2016 paper), ISSN 2185-2839 web, PDF
On the atoms of algebraic lattices arising in $q$-theory with M. Jackson, J. Rhodes and B. Steinberg, IJAC International Journal of Algebra and Computation Vol. 27, No. 2 (2017) 157–188 ISSN: 0218-1967 DOI, preprint
Finite Computational Structures and Implementations In: Proceedings of CANDAR’16, Fourth International Symposium on Computing and Networking, Hiroshima, Japan, November 22-25, 2016, pages 119-125; published online on IEEE Xplore 2017 January 19. EISBN:978-1-5090-2655-5 DOI, preprint
Symmetries of Automata with C.L. Nehaniv, Algebra and Discrete Mathematics, Volume 19 (2015), Number 1, pp. 48-57 webPDF
Symmetry structure in discrete models of biochemical systems: natural subsystems and the weak control hierarchy in a new model of computation driven by interactions with C.L. Nehaniv, J. Rhodes, P. Dini, E. R. Morris, G. Horváth, F. Karimi, D. Schreckling and M.J. Schilstra, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, volume 373, issue 2046, 2015, DOI, PDF
Algebraic double cut and join - A group-theoretic approach to the operator on multichromosomal genomes with S. Bhatia and A.R. Francis, Journal of Mathematical Biology, November 2015, Volume 71, Issue 5, pp 1149–1178, DOI, preprint
Computational Understanding and Manipulation of Symmetries with C.L. Nehaniv, Artificial Life and Computational Intelligence, Volume 8955 of the series Lecture Notes in Computer Science pp 17-30 web, preprint
SgpDec: Cascade (De)Compositions of Finite Transformation Semigroups and Permutation Groups with J.D. Mitchell and C.L. Nehaniv, Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol. 8592, International Congress on Mathematical Software ICMS 2014: Mathematical Software, pp 75-82, web, preprint
Bacterial Genomics and Computational Group Theory: The BioGAP Package for GAP, with A.R. Francis and V. Gebhardt, Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol. 8592, International Congress on Mathematical Software ICMS 2014: Mathematical Software, pp 67-74 web
Group-theoretic models of the inversion process in bacterial genomes with V. Gebhardt, M.M. Tanaka and A.R. Francis, Journal of Mathematical Biology July 2014, Volume 69, Issue 1, pp 243–265 web, preprint
Exploring the concept of interaction computing through the discrete algebraic analysis of the Belousov–Zhabotinsky reaction with P. Dini, C.L. Nehaniv and M.J. Schilstra, Biosystems, Volume 112, Issue 2, Pages 145–162, 2013, web
BIOMICS Project: Biological and Mathematical Basis of Interaction Computing with P. Dini, C.L. Nehaniv, M.J. Schilstra, D. Schreckling, J. Posegga, G. Horváth and A.J. Munro, International Journal of Unconventional Computing, 8(4):283-287, 2012, web
Algebraic Analysis of the Computation in the Belousov-Zhabotinksy Reaction with P. Dini, C.L. Nehaniv, and M.J. Schilstra, IPCAT 2012 - 9th International Conference on Information Processing in Cells and Tissues, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 7223. pp. 216-224, 2012, web
Book Review: Applications of Automata Theory and Algebra via the Mathematical Theory of Complexity to Biology, Physics, Psychology, Philosophy, and Games by John Rhodes, Artificial Life, Spring 2011, Vol. 17, No. 2 , Pages 141-143, web
How to Solve it? - The Tsumego SessionAnnales Mathematicae et Informaticae, 38 (2011) pp. 137–145, PDF
Symmetries of Automata (extended abstract) with C.L. Nehaniv, In P. Dömösi, I. Szabolcs (Eds.): Automata and Formal Languages, 13th International Conference, AFL 2011, Debrecen, Hungary, August 17-22, 2011, Proceedings, pp. 391, ISBN 978-615-5097-19-5
Algorithms for the Efficient Calculation of the Holonomy Decomposition (extended abstract) with J.D. Mitchell and C.L. Nehaniv, In P. Dömösi, I. Szabolcs (Eds.): Automata and Formal Languages, 13th International Conference, AFL 2011, Debrecen, Hungary, August 17-22, 2011, Proceedings, pp. 389-390, ISBN 978-615-5097-19-5
On Straight Words and Minimal Permutators in Finite Transformation Semigroups with C.L. Nehaniv, Implementation and Application of Automata, Volume 6482 of the series Lecture Notes in Computer Science pp 115-124, 2010, web, preprint
On the Skeleton of a Transformation Semigroup with C.L. Nehaniv, Annales Mathematicae et Informaticae Vol 37, 77-84, 2010, PDF
Transformation Semigroups as Constructive Dynamical Spaces with P. Dini, C.L. Nehaniv, M.J. Schilstra, In: Digital Ecosystems: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference, OPAALS 2010, Editors : Colugnati, Fernando A B and Lopes, Lia C R and Barretto, Saulo F A, Springer LNICST, 245-265. DOI
Algebraic Properties of Automata Associated to Petri Nets and Applications to Computation in Intermediary Metabolism with C.L. Nehaniv, BioSystems 94(1-2):135-144, web
Automatic Analysis of Computation in BioChemical Reactions with C.L. Nehaniv, John L. Rhodes, and Maria Schilstra, BioSystems 94(1-2):126-134, web
Hierachical Coordinate Systems for Understanding Complexity and its Evolution with Applications to Genetic Regulatory Networks with C.L. Nehaniv, Artificial Life (Special Issue on Evolution of Complexity), 14(3):299-312, web
Finite residue class rings of integers modulo $n$ from the viewpoint of global semigroup theory with C.L. Nehaniv, In: Semigroups and Formal Languages (Proceedings of the International Conference in Honour of the 65th birthday of Donald B. McAlister), World Scientific Press, pp. 66-83, ISBN 9812707387, 2007, web
[HUN] Mesterséges élet és megértés In: Mesterséges intelligencia és határterületei - Interjú a kutatókkal, Aitia Internernational ZRt., Akadémiai Kiadó 2007. pp 45-50 [ISBN: 9789630582186]
Mirroring, Deixis, and Interaction Topology in the Emergence of Shared Vocabularies, with J. Baillie, C. L. Nehaniv, P. Quick, and S. Warren, New Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence Volume 3609 of the series Lecture Notes in Computer Science pp 325-334, 2007, web
Making Sense of the Sensory Data - Coordinate Systems by Hierarchical Decomposition with C.L. Nehaniv, Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems Volume 4253 of the series Lecture Notes in Computer Science pp 333-340, 2006, web
Cycle Structure in Automata and the Holonomy Decomposition with C.L. Nehaniv, Acta Cybernetica, Vol. 17, Num. 2, 199-211, [ISSN: 0324-721X], 2005, webPDF
[HUN] A spirálok szépségéről, In: Észleléstől a nyelvig, Gondolat Kiadó, pp 159-164 [ISBN: 9639500550] 2004.
Algebraic Hierarchical Decomposition of Finite State Automata: Comparison of Implementations for Krohn-Rhodes Theory with C.L. Nehaniv, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol 3317, pp. 315-316, 2004, web
Evolvability of the Genotype-Phenotype Relation in Populations of Self-Replicating Digital Organisms in a Tierra-like System with C.L. Nehaniv, Advances in Artificial Life Volume 2801 of the series Lecture Notes in Computer Science pp 238-247, 2003, web
[HUN] Digitális evolúcióVILÁGOSSÁG 2003 3-4 pp 53-62 PDF
[HUN] A lét értelmére vonatkozó kérdés ismételt felvetése - Túl misztikán és logikán, Kellék, 8-9, p135-148, 1997. PDF