List of books I've read since 2002.
2025 January
- Lost in Math: How Beauty Leads Physics Astray by Sabine Hossenfelder, 2018.
- Empire of the Sum: The Rise and Reign of the Pocket Calculator by Keith Houston, 2023.
2024 December
- The Science of Can and Can't: A Physicist's Journey Through the Land of Counterfactuals by Chiara Marletto, 2021. 2x
- Math Without Numbers by Milo Beckman, 2021.
2024 November
- Being You: A New Science of Consciousness by Anil Seth, 2021.
2024 October
- Where Mathematics Comes From - How the embodied mind brings mathematics into being by George Lakoff, Rafael E. Núñez, 2000. 2x
- Homer - A very short introduction by Barbara Graziosi, 2019.
2024 September
- The Enigma of Reason: A New Theory of Human Understanding by Hugo Mercier, Dan Sperber, 2017.
2024 August
- The Housekeeper and the Professor by Yoko Ogawa, 2009. (2006)
- On Intelligence by Jeff Hawkins, 2004.
- Ars Mathematica - Biography of my parents Katalin & Alfréd Rényi by Zsuzsanna Rényi, 2021.
2024 July
- Pintér Gergő: A számok rejtett építőkövei - A prímek, 2023.
- Stefan Buijsman: Eszpresszó Arkhimédesszel - Matematika a mindennapokban, egyszerűen, érthetően, 2020 (2018), [Pluses and Minuses: How Maths Makes the World More Manageable].
- Pintér Gergő: Új világok teremtése, Geometria képzetek és képződmények, 2020.
- The Summer Book by Tove Jansson, 1972.
- Philip K. Dick: Különvélemény valamint Emlékmás, Imposztor és más novellák 1953-69. [Minority Report, Imposter, Second Veriety, War Game, What the Dead Man Say, Oh, To Be a Blobel, we can Remember it for You WholeSale, Faith of Our Fathers, The Electric Ant]
- Thinking about mathematics - The philosophy of mathematics by Stewart Shapiro, 2000. 2x
- Logicomix - An Epic Search for Truth by Apostolos Doxiadis, Christos H. Papadimitriou, 2009. 2x
2024 June
- V.G.Boltyanszkij, V.A.Jefremovics: Szemléletes Topológia, 1965. 2x
- Chaos - The amazing science of the unpredictable by James Gleick, 1987. 2x
- Andrásfai Béla: Vonalak és felületek topológiája 1994. 3x
- Staar Gyula: Matematikusok és teremtett világuk, beszélgetések 2002. [interviews with mathematicians] 2x
2024 May
- Aposztolosz Doxiadisz: Petrosz bácsi és a Goldbach-sejtés [1992, 2000] 2x
- Metaphors We Live By by George Lakoff and Mark Johnson, 2003. (1980) 2x
- Dialógusok a matematikáról, Rényi Alfréd, 1966. 2x
- The Joy of Abstraction - An Exploration of Math, Category Theory, and Life by Eugenia Cheng, 2022.
2024 April
- Why Does Math Work … If It's Not Real? Episodes in Unreasonable Effectiveness by Dragan Radulović, 2023.
- The Knowledge Machine: How Irrationality Created Modern Science by Michael Strevens, 2020.
2024 March
- Nuts and Bolts: How Tiny Inventions Make Our World Work by Roma Agrawal, 2023.
- Is Maths Real? How Simple Questions Lead Us to Mathematics’ Deepest Truths by Eugenia Cheng, 2023.
- Causation: A Very Short Introduction by Stephen Mumford, Rani Lill Anjum, 2013.
- Writing to learn - How to write -and think- clearly about any subject at all by William Zinsser, 1988.
2024 February
- A Thousand Brains: A New Theory of Intelligence by Jeff Hawkins, 2021.
2024 January
- Official Minecraft Explorer’s Handbook by Mojang, 2023.
- Official Minecraft Creative Handbook by Mojang, 2021.
2023 December
2023 November
- Glass and Gardens - Solarpunk Summers Anthology edited by Sarena Ulibarri, 2018.
2023 October
- Numbers Don’t Lie: 71 Stories to Help Us Understand the Modern World by Vaclav Smil, 2020.
- Turing's vision - the birth of computer science by Chris Bernhardt, 2016. 2x
2023 September
- The cogwheel brain - Charles Babbage and the quest to build the first computer by Doron Swade, 2000. 2x
2023 August
- Fancy Bear Goes Phishing: The Dark History of the Information Age, in Five Extraordinary Hacks by Scott J. Shapiro, 2023.
2023 July
2023 June
2023 May
- The Ministry for the Future by Kim Stanley Robinson, 2020.
- Bayes' Rule: A Tutorial Introduction to Bayesian Analysis by James V Stone, 2013.
2023 April
- Walkaway by Cory Doctorow, 2017.
- Az oroszlán, a boszorkány és a ruhásszekrény (The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe) by C. S. Lewis, 1950. 3x
2023 March
- A Psalm for the Wild-Built by Becky Chambers, 2021.
- Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir, 2021.
2023 February
- The Dispossed by Ursula K. Le Guin, 1974.
2023 January
- Understanding Philosophy of Science by James Ladyman, 2001.
2022 December
- Electricity: Circuits, Static, and Electromagnets With Hands-on Science Activities for Kids by Carmella Van Vleet, 2022.
2022 November
- The Ocean in the Closet by Yuko Taniguchi, 2007.
- Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind: 50th Anniversary Edition by Shunryu Suzuki, 2020. 2x
2022 October
- Why I Am Not a Buddhist by Evan Thompson, 2020.
- The Three Pillars of Zen - Teaching, Practice and Enlightenment, 35th Anniversary Edition by Philip Kapleau, 1965, 2000.
2022 September
2022 August
- Fundamentals of Data Visualization: A Primer on Making Informative and Compelling Figures by Claus O. Wilke, 2019.
- Programming the Universe - a quantum computer scientist takes on the cosmos by Seth Lloyd, 2006. 3x
- The Tao is silent by Raymond M. Smullyan, 1977.
- Made to stick - Why some ideas survive and other die by Chip Heath and Dan Heath, 2007.
- Exhalation by Ted Chiang, 2019.
- The Invincible by Stanisław Lem, 1964. 2x
- The Glass Bead Game by Hermann Hesse, 1943 (1949). 2x
2022 July
- Computing in the Middle Ages: A View from the Trenches 1955-1983 by Severo M. Ornstein, 2002.
2022 June
2022 May
- Sources of Power, 20th Anniversary Edition: How People Make Decisions by Gary A. Klein, 2017.
2022 April
- Cryptocurrency, the future of money? by Paul Vigna and Michael J. Casey, 2016. 2x
2022 March
- The Code Book - The science of secrecy from ancient Egypt to quantum cryptography by Simon Singh, 1999. 2x
2022 February
- Mastering Monero: The future of private transactions by SerHack, 2018.
- Bitcoin for the Befuddled by Conrad Barski, Chris Wilmer, 2014.
2022 January
- The Science of Can and Can't: A Physicist's Journey Through the Land of Counterfactuals by Chiara Marletto, 2021.
- Thinking Better: The Art of the Shortcut in Math and Life by Marcus du Sautoy, 2021.
2021 December
- To Catch the Sun by Lonny Grafman, Joshua Pearce, 2021.
2021 November
- Wiring Unlimited by Margreet Leeftink (Victron Energy), 2019.
2021 October
- Conversations on Consciousness: What the Best Minds Think about the Brain, Free Will, and What It Means to Be Human by Susan Blackmore, 2007.
- Foundation by Isaac Asimov, 1951. 2x
2021 September
- Go by Example: Correcting common mistakes in double digit kyu play by Neil Moffatt, 2010.
- Trying Not to Try: The Art and Science of Spontaneity by Edward Slingerland, 2014.
- Gödel's Proof, Revised Edition by Ernest Nagel, James Roy Newman, and Douglas R. Hofstadter (Editor, Contributor), 2001 (1958).
- Robot-Proof, Higher Education in the Age of Artificial Intelligence By Joseph E. Aoun, 2017.
- The Book of Tea by Kakuzo Okakura, foreword and afterword by Soshitsu Sen XV, 1989. [1906]
- Theory and Reality: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Science (Science and Its Conceptual Foundations) by Peter Godfrey-Smith, 2003.
2021 August
- The Way of Zen by Alan W. Watts, 1999 (1957). 2x
- The Science of Storytelling by Will Storr, 2019.
- Wired for Story: The Writer's Guide to Using Brain Science to Hook Readers from the Very First Sentence by Lisa Cron, 2012.
- Learn Go 3rd edition by Neil Moffatt, 2011.
- The Storytelling Animal: How Stories Make Us Human by Jonathan Gottschall, 2012.
- Enlightening Symbols: A Short History of Mathematical Notation and Its Hidden Powers by Joseph Mazur, 2014.
- Discrete Thoughts: Essays on Mathematics, Science and Philosophy by Mark Kac, Jacob T. Schwartz, Gian-Carlo Rota, 1985.
2021 July
- Blink - The Power of Thinking Without Thinking by Malcom Gladwell, 2005.
- Go consultants by John Fairbairn and T. Mark Hall, 2009. (SmartGo)
- STRAYA by Anthony O'Connor, 2021.
- Double Digit Kyu Games by Neil Moffatt, 2011. (SmartGo)
2021 June
- How not to play Go by Yuan Zhou, 2009. (SmartGo)
- Zsoldos Péter: Az utolsó kísértés, 1988.
- The Feeling of Life Itself - Why Consciousness Is Widespread but Can't Be Computed by Christof Koch, 2019.
2021 May
- Philosophy of Mathematics (Princeton Foundations of Contemporary Philosophy) by Øystein Linnebo, 2017.
- Unended Quest - An Intellectual Autobiography by Karl Popper, 1974 (2002).
- The Meaning of Science: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Science by Tim Lewens, 2016.
- Consciousness: A Very Short Introduction (1st edn) by Susan Blackmore, 2005.
- How We Learn: The New Science of Education and the Brain by Stanislas Dehaene, 2020.
2021 April
- Human Compatible: Artificial Intelligence and the Problem of Control by Stuart Russell, 2019.
- The Queen of Katwe: A Story of Life, Chess, and One Extraordinary Girl's Dream of Becoming a Grandmaster by Tim Crothers, 2012.
2021 March
- The Rookie: An Odyssey through Chess (and Life) by Stephen Moss, 2016.
- The Valley of Fear by Conan Doyle, 1914-15.
- The Children's Machine: Rethinking School In The Age Of The Computer by Seymour Papert, 1994.
- The Return of Sherlock Holmes by Conan Doyle, 1905.
- The Hound of the Baskervilles by Conan Doyle, 1901-02.
2021 February
- The Adventures and Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes by Conan Doyle, 1892, 1894.
- The Beginning of Infinity - Explanations that Transform the World by David Deutsch, 2011.
2021 January
- The Spirit of Zen by Sam van Schaik 2018.
- The Fabric of Reality by David Deutsch 1997. 2x
- The Book of Why - The New Science of Cause and Effect by Judea Pearl and Dana Mackenzie, 2018.
- Superminds: The Surprising Power of People and Computers Thinking Together by Thomas W. Malone, 2018.
- A brief history of Japan - samurai, shogun and zen: the extraordinary story of the land of the rising sun by Jonathan Clements, 2017.
2020 December
- Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience by Csíkszentmihály Mihály, 1991.
- The Gardener and the Carpenter - What the new science of child development tells us about the relationship between parents and children by Alison Gopnik, 2016.
- Numbers Rule: The Vexing Mathematics of Democracy, from Plato to the Present by George Szpiro, 2010.
- From Chinese Chan to Japanese Zen: A Remarkable Century of Transmission and Transformation by Steven Heine, 2017.
2020 November
- Possible Minds: 25 Ways of Looking at AI edited by John Brockman, 2019.
- Zen and the Art of Consciousness by Susan Blackmore, 2009.
2020 October
- Eat Sleep Sit: My Year at Japan's Most Rigorous Zen Temple by Kaoru Nonomura, 2009 (1996).
2020 September
- A Study in Scarlet and The Sign of Four (Sherlock Holmes) by Arthur Conan Doyle, 1887, 1890.
- Zen Comics 1,2 by Ioanna Salajan, 1974, 1982.
2020 August
- Deep Learning and the Game of Go by Max Pumperla, Kevin Ferguson, 2019.
2020 July
- One Jump Ahead: Computer Perfection at Checkers 2nd edition by Jonathan Schaeffer 2008. book intro video
2020 June (pandemic online teaching overload)
2020 May
- Polgár László: Nevelhetsz zsenit, 2008. 2x
2020 April
- The Moves That Matter: A Chess Grandmaster on the Game of Life by Jonathan Rowson, 2019.
2020 March
- Mathematics for Human Flourishing by Francis Su, 2020.
- Behind Deep Blue: Building the Computer That Defeated the World Chess Champion by Feng-Hsiung Hsu, 2004.
- The Luzhin Defense by Vladimir Nabokov, 1929.
- Version Control by Dexter Palmer, 2016.
2020 February
- 21 Lessons for the 21st Century by Yuval Noah Harari, 2018.
- Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow by Yuval Noah Harari, 2016.
2020 January
- Consciousness and the Brain: Deciphering How the Brain Codes Our Thoughts by Stanislas Dehaene, 2014.
2019 December
- The Grandmaster: Magnus Carlsen and the Match That Made Chess Great Again by Brin-Jonathan Butler, 2018.
2019 November
- The Road by Cormac McCarthy, 2006.
- Chess Story (aka The Royal Game) by Stefan Zweig, 1941.
2019 October
2019 September
2019 August
- Math with bad drawings, illuminating the ideas that shape our reality by Ben Orlin, 2018.
2019 July
- The Consciousness Instinct: Unraveling the Mystery of How the Brain Makes the Mind by Michale Gazzaniga, 2018.
- The immortal game - A history of chess, or, how 32 carved pieces on a board illuminated our understanding of war, science, and the human brain by David Shenk, 2006.
2019 June
- Consciousness - Confessions of a romantic reductionist by Christof Koch, 2012.
2019 May
- Moves in Mind - The Psychology of Board Games by Fernand Gobet, Alex de Voogt and Jean Retschitzki, 2004.
2019 April
- Language and Human Behavior by Derek Bickerton 1995.
- The art of logic: how to make sense in a world that doesn't by Eugenia Cheng, 2018.
2019 March
- MindStorms - Children, Computers and Powerful Ideas 2nd Ed. by Seymour Papert, 1993.
- How not to be wrong - The power of mathematical thinking by Jordan Ellenberg, 2014.
2019 February
- The Master of Go by Yasunari Kawabata 1951. 2x
2019 January
- Polgár László: Nevelhetsz zsenit, 2008.
- Go - A complete introduction to the game by Cho Chikun 1997. 2x
- Thinking Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman, 2011.
- Searching for Bobby Fischer: The Father of a Prodigy Observes the World of Chess by Fred Waitzkin, 1988.
2018 December
- Outside the Board: Diary of a Professional Go Player by Hajin Lee, 2016.
2018 November
- Go with the Flow - How the great master of Go trained his mind by Cho Hunhyun 2018.
- The Art of Learning - : An Inner Journey to Optimal Performance by Josh Waitzkin, 2008.
2018 October
- How life imitates Chess by Garry Kasparov, 2007.
- Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind by Yuval Noah Harari, 2011.
- Deep Thinking - Where machine intelligence ends and human creativity begins by Garry Kasparov, 2017.
2018 September
- Life 3.0: Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence by Max Tegmark, 2017.
- Coders at Work: Reflections on the Craft of Programming by Peter Seibel, 2009.
- 手筋と詰碁の超基本 (Ultra basic tesuji and tsumego, 144 problems) by 高尾 紳路 (Takao Shinji), 2016.
2018 August
- Shibumi by Trevanian, 1979.
- Data & Reality 3rd Edition by William Kent, 2012.
- The Puzzle Instinct - The meanings of puzzles in human life by Marcel Danesi, 2002.
- 81 Little Lions - An introduction to the 9x9 board for advanced beginners by Immanuel deVillers, 2016.
- GO! more than a game by Peter Shotwell, 2011.
2018 July
- Long Cosmos by Terry Pratchett and Stephen Baxter, 2016.
2018 June
- Apex (NEXUS 3) by Ramez Naam, 2014.
- Seveneves by Neal Stephenson, 2015.
- Logic Made Easy - How to know when language deceives you by Deborah J. Bennett, 2004.
- Arithmetic by Paul Lockhart, 2017.
- Cakes, Custard and Category Theory: Easy Recipes for Understanding Complex Maths by Eugenia Cheng, 2015. 2x
2018 May
- A most elegant equation - Euler's formula & the beauty of mathematics by David Stipp, 2017.
- Semiotics of Programming by Kumiko Tanaka-Ishii, 2010.
2018 April
2018 March
- Proofs and Refutations by Imre Lakatos, 1976, 2015 Cambridge Philosophy Classics edition
2018 February
- Math Gene - How Mathematical Thinking Evolved and Why Numbers are like Gossip by Keith Devlin 2000. 2x
2018 January
- Beyond infinity - An expedition to the outer limits of the mathematical universe by Eugenia Cheng, 2017.
- Measurement by Paul Lockhart, 2012.
- Living Clojure, An Introduction and Training Plan for Developers by Carin Meier, 2015.
2017 December
- Charles J. Murray: The Supermen: The Story of Seymour Cray and the Technical Wizards Behind the Supercomputer, 1997.
2017 November
- Edgar G. Daylight: The Dawn of Software Engineering: From Turing to Dijkstra 2012.
2017 October
- Paul Lockhart: A Mathematician's Lament: How School Cheats Us Out of Our Most Fascinating and Imaginative Art Form, 2009.
- Fred Piper, Sean Murphy: Crytpography - A Very Short Introduction, 2002.
2017 September
2017 August
- Steven Levy: Crypto: How the Code Rebels Beat the Government Saving Privacy in the Digital Age 2001.
- Chris Bernhardt: Turing's vision - the birth of computer science 2016.
2017 July
- Ramez Naam: Crux (NEXUS 2) 2013.
- Sydney Padua: The thrilling adventures of Lovelace and Babbage - The (mostly) true story of the first computer 2016.
- George Polya: How to solve it 1945. 2x
2017 June
- Alex Bellos: Alex's Adventures in Numberland 2010.
2017 May
2017 April
- Mike Gancarz: Linux and the UNIX Philosophy 2003.
- Neal Stephenson: Cryptonomicon 1999.
- Derek Rowntree: Statistics without tears - an introduction to non-mathematicians 1981.
2017 March
- Julian Barbour: The End of Time: The Next Revolution in Our Understanding of the Universe 1999.
- Stephen Wolfram: Idea makers 2016.
2017 February
- Carlo Rovelli: Seven brief lessons on Physics 2015.
- Daniel Higginbotham: Clojure for the brave and true, learn the ultimate language and become a better programmer 2015.
2017 January
- Howard Rheingold: Tools for Thought - the history and future of mind-expanding technology 1985, 1999.
- Arthur C. Clarke: Childhood's End 1953.
2016 December
- Douglas Adams: The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy, 1979 5x
- Paul Vigna, Michael J. Casey: Cryptocurrency, the future of money? 2016.
2016 November
- Ramez Naam: NEXUS Install 2013.
2016 October
- Program or Be Programmed: Ten Commands for a Digital Age by Douglas Rushkoff, 2011.
- The Code Book - The science of secrecy from ancient Egypt to quantum cryptography by Simon Singh, 1999.
2016 September
2016 August
- Charles Petzold: CODE The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and Software 2000.
2016 July
- Cixin Liu: The Three-Body Problem 2008.
- John Gribbin: Computing with Quantum Cats: From Colossus to Qubits 2013.
2016 June
- Daniel Hillis: The Patterns on the Stone - The simple ideas that make computers work 1998.
- William Poundstone: The Recursive Universe: Cosmic Complexity and the Limits of Scientific Knowledge 1985.
2016 May
- Greg Egan: Permutation City 1994.
- Ernest Cline: Ready Player One 2011.
- Lev Grossmann: Codex 2004.
2016 April
- Andy Weir: The Martian 2011.
- John D. Barrow: Pi in the Sky - Counting, Thinking and Being 1992.
2016 March
- BIT by BIT - An illustrated history of computers by Stan Augarten, 1984.
- Our Mathematical Universe by Max Tegmark, 2014. 2x
2016 February
- Akira Vol 1-6. by Katsuhiro Otomo, 2000-2002.
2016 January
- The Long Utopia by Terry Pratchett and Stephen Baxter, 2015.
- The Long Mars by Terry Pratchett and Stephen Baxter, 2014.
- The Information: : A History, a Theory, a Flood by James Gleick, 2011.
2015 December
- Time Reborn: From the Crisis in Physics to the Future of the Universe by Lee Smolin 2013.
- The Fabric of Reality by David Deutsch 1997.
2015 November
- The Long War by Terry Pratchett, Stephen Baxter, 2013.
- Programming the Universe - a quantum computer scientist takes on the cosmos by Seth Lloyd, 2006. 2x
2015 October
- Terry Pratchett, Stephen Baxter: The Long Earth 2012.
- Alison Gopnik: The Philosophical Baby: What Children's Minds Tell Us About Truth, Love, and the Meaning of Life 2010.
- Ellen Lupton: Thinking with Type, 2nd revised and expanded edition: A Critical Guide for Designers, Writers, Editors, & Students 2ed 2010.
- Robert A. Heinlein: he Moon Is a Harsh Mistress 1966.
2015 September
2015 August
- Daniel Suarez: Freedom TM 2010.
- Daniel Suarez: Daemon 2006.
2015 July
- Eugenia Cheng: Cakes, Custard and Category Theory: Easy Recipes for Understanding Complex Maths 2015.
- Edward Frenkel: Love and Math: The Heart of Hidden Reality 2014.
2015 June
- Robert J. Sawyer: Wake 2009.
- Greg Egan: Luminous 1998.
2015 May
- Matt Pearson: Generative Art 2011.
- Terry Pratchett: The World of Poo 2012.
- Stuart Halloway, Aaron Bedra: Programming Clojure, 2nd edition 2012.
2015 April
- Michael Fogus, Chris Houser: The Joy of Clojure 2nd Edition 2014.
2015 March
- Steven Levy: In The Plex: How Google Thinks, Works, and Shapes Our Lives 2011.
- Ellen Ullman: Close to the Machine: Technophilia and its Discontents 1997.
- Orson Scott Card: Ender's Game. 1985.
2015 February
- Scott Rosenberg: Dreaming in Code: Two Dozen Programmers, Three Years, 4,732 Bugs, and One Quest for Transcendent Software, 2007.
2015 Jan
- Brian Greene: The Hidden Reality - Parallel Universe and the Deep Laws of the Cosmos 2011.
- Neal Stephenson: Snow Crash 1992. 2x
- William Gibson: Burning Chrome 1986. 2x
2014 December
- William Gibson: Mona Lisa Overdrive 1988 2x
- Greg Egan: Oceanic 2010.
- William Gibson: Count Zero 1986. 2x
2014 November
- Paul Davies: The Mind of God 1992.
- Robert A. Heinlein: The Day After Tomorrow (Sixth Column) 1949.
2014 October
- Robert A. Heinlein: Between Planets 1951.
- David S. Goodsell: The Machinery of Life, 2nd ed. 2009.
2014 September
- Dennis Bray: Wetware - A Computer in Every Living Cell 2011.
2014 August
- Richard P. Feynmann: Six easy pieces 1963.
- Brian Greene: The Fabric of Cosmos 2004.
- H.G. Wells: The Time Machine 1895.
- Our Mathematical Universe by Max Tegmark, 2014.
2014 July
- Robert A. Heinlein: Citizen of the Galaxy 1957.
- Jorge Luis Borges: Labirynths, selected stories and other writings 1962.
2014 June
- Marcus Du Sautoy: Finding Moonshine: A Mathematician's Journey Through Symmetry, 2008. 2x
- Terry Pratchett: I shall wear midnight, 2010.
2014 May
- Stanislaw Lem: Solaris, 1961 3x
2014 April
- Neil Gaiman: Coraline 2002
- William Gibson: Neuromancer, 1984 3x
- Christos H. Papadimitriou: Turing (A Novel about Computation) 2005.
2014 March
- Terry Pratchett: Thief of Time, 2001.
2014 February
- Terry Pratchett, Ian Stewart, Jack Cohen: The Science of Discworld III: Darwin's Watch 2005.
- Murakami Haruki: Wild Sheep Chase 1982
2014 January
- Mark Ronan: Symmetry and the Monster - One of the Greatest Quest of Mathematics 2006 4x
- Arkady Strugatsky - Boris Strugatsky: Roadside Picnic 1972 (2012 new translation)
- Georg Orwell: 1984, 1949.
- Joel N. Shurkin: Engines of the Mind: The Evolution of the Computer from Mainframes to Microprocessors 1996.
- John MacCormick: Nine Algorithms that Changed the Future - The Ingenious Ideas that Drive Today's Computers 2012.
- Terry Pratchett: Witches Abroad 1991.
2013 December
- Robert A. Heinlein: Farmer in the Sky 1950.
- Robert A. Heinlein: Tunnel in the Sky 1955.
- Terry Pratchett: Wintersmith 2006.
- Tim Jackson: Inside Intel: Andy Grove and the Rise of the World's Most Powerful Chip Company 1998.
- Robert P. Colwell: The Pentium Chronicles: The People, Passion, and Politics Behind Intel's Landmark Chips, 2005.
- Tracy Kidder: The Soul of a New Machine 1981.
- Thomas H. Corman: Algorithms Unlocked, 2013.
2013 November
- Terry Pratchett: A Hat Full of Sky 2004.
- Lance Fortnow: The Golden Ticket: P, NP, and the Search for the Impossible, 2013.
- Terry Pratchett: The Wee Free Men, 2003.
2013 October
- John Tyler Bonner: Randomness in Evolution 2013.
- Craig Cabell: Terry Pratchett : the spirit of fantasy : the life and work of the man behind the magic 2012.
- Leonard Mlodinow: The Drunkard's Walk - How Randomness Rules our Lives 2008.
- Graham Hutton: Programming in Haskell 2007.
- Terry Pratchett, Ian Stewart, Jack Cohen: The Science of Discworld II: The Globe 2002.
2013 September
2013 August
- Masterminds of Programming - Conversations with the Creators of Major Programming Languages 2009.
- Terry Pratchett: Strata, 1981.
- Terry Pratchett, Ian Stewart, Jack Cohen: The Science of Discworld, 2002 revised edition.
2013 July
- Masha Gessen: Perfect Rigor: A Genius and the Mathematical Breakthrough of the Century 2009.
2013 June
2013 May
- Roger J. Davies, Osamu Ikeno (Eds.): The Japanese Mind - Understanding Contemporary Japanese Culture 2002.
2013 April
- William J. Cook: In pursuit of the traveling salesman - Mathematics at the limits of computation 2012.
- Umberto Eco: The Prague Cemetery 2010.
2013 March
- George Dyson: Turing's Cathedral 2012.
- Kurt Vonnegut: Cat's Cradle 1963. 2x
- Seth Lloyd: Programming the Universe - a quantum computer scientist takes on the cosmos 2006.
2013 February
- Brian Cox, Jeff Forshaw: Why does E=mc2? (and why should we care?) 2009.
- Mark Ronan: Symmetry and the Monster - One of the Greatest Quest of Mathematics 2006 3x
2013 January
- Alexander Masters: Simon: The Genius in My Basement 2012.
- Jim Ottaviani: Feynman 2011.
- Richard P. Feynman, Anthony Hey: Feynman Lectures On Computation 1996.
- F. Scott Fitzgerald: The Great Gatsby 1925.
2012 December
- Kazuo Ishiguro: Never let me go 2005.
- David Leavitt: The Indian Clerk 2007.
- Murakami Haruki: Kafka on the Shore 2005.
2012 November
Travels, conferences.
2012 October
- Terry Pratchett: The Amazing Maurice and his Educated Rodents 2001.
- NFGMan (Lawrence Wright): Character Design for Mobile Devices, Mobile games, sprites, and pixel art 2006.
- Ursula K. Le Guin: The Farthest Shore 1973.
2012 September
- Ursula K. Le Guin: The Tombs of Atuan 1971.
- Ursula K. Le Guin: A Wizard of Earthsea 1968.
- Philip K. Dick: [[divine_invasion|Divine Invasion]] 1981.
- Saunders Mac Lane: A Mathematical Autobiography 2005.
- Terry Pratchett: [[equal_rites|Equal Rites]] 1987. 2x
- Robert Kanigel: The Man Who Knew Infinity - A Life of the Genius Ramanujan 1991.
2012 August
- William Gibson: Johnny Mnemonic (short story and screenplay) 1986, 1996. 2x
- Leon M. Lederman, Christopher T. Hill: Symmetry and the beautiful universe 2004.
2012 July
- Gárdonyi Géza: Egri csillagok 1901. 3x
- Krúdy Gyula: Rózsa Sándor 1923.
- Krúdy Gyula: A podolini kísértet 1900.
- Mikszáth Kálmán: A beszélő köntös 1889.
- Jaroslav Hasek: Svejk a derék katona (A hátoszágban, A fronton) 1921.
2012 June
- Colin Swatridge: Marslakók földje, avagy Magyarország angol szemmel (A Country Full of Aliens - A Briton in Hungary 2005).
- Freax: The Brief History of the Computer Demoscene Vol1. 2nd ed. 2008. The Art Album 2006.
- Masamune Shirow: Ghost in the Shell 1991.
- Francis Carsac: Sehollakók (Ceux de Nulle Part 1970.)
2012 May
- Cory Doctorow: Little Brother 2008.
- Neil Gaiman: American Gods - 10th Anniversary Edition 2011.
- Gordon Laing: Digital Retro - The Evolution and Design of the Personal Computer 2004.
2012 April
- Jon Stokes: An Illustrated Introduction to Microprocessors and Computer Architecture 2006.
- Massimo Banzi: Getting started with Arduino (1st edition) 2009.
- William Gibson, Bruce Sterling: The Difference Engine 1990.
- Paul Atkinson: Computer (Objekt Series) 2010.
2012 March
- C.S. Lewis: The Last Battle 2x
- C.S. Lewis: The Silver Chair 1953 2x
- C.S. Lewis: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader 1952. 2x
- C.S. Lewis: Prince Caspian (4th Narnia book) 1951. 2x
- Keith Devlin: The Man of Numbers: Fibonacci's Arithmetic Revolution 2011.
- Ian Stewart: Mathematics of Life 2011.
- C.S Lewis: The Horse and His Boy 1954. 2x
- Terry Pratchett: [[equal_rites|Equal Rites]] 1987.
2012 February
- Terry Pratchett: The Light Fantastic 1986.
- C.S. Lewis: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe 1950. 2x
- Ian Stewart: Letters to a Young Mathematician - Art of Mentoring 2007.
- C.S. Lewis: The Magician's Nephew 1955. 2x
- Siobhan Roberts: King of Infinite Space - Donald Coxeter, the Man Who Saved Geometry 2006.
- Terry Pratchett: The Colour of Magic 1983. 2x
2012 January
- Leonard M. Wapner: The Pea & the Sun - A Mathematical Paradox 2005.
- Gerald Durrell: Birds, beasts, relatives 1969. 2x
- Richard A. Dunlap: The Golden Ration and Fibonacci Numbers 1997.
- Terry Pratchett: Men at arms 1993.
- Gerald Durrell: My Family and Other Animals 1956. 2x
2011 December
- John Meier: Groups, Graphs and Trees 2008.
- Terry Pratchett: Wyrd Sisters 1988. 2x
- Terry Pratchett: Hogfather 1996. 2x
- Alexei Sayle: Stalin Ate My Homework 2010.
2011 November
- Terry Pratchett: Small Gods 1992.
- Terry Pratchett: Pyramids 1989.
2011 October
- John Stillwell: Roads to Infinity - The Mathematics of Truth and Proof 2010.
- Bill Bryson: Down Under 2000.
2011 September (moving to Australia)
2011 August
- William Gibson: Trendvadász (Pattern Recognition) 2003.
- Obata Takeshi, Hotta Yumi: Hikaru No Go Vol1-23. 1998-2003. (yes, all of them! :)
2011 June
- Esterházy Péter: A szavak csodálatos életéből 2003
- Ivan Szergejevics Turgenyev: Apák és fiúk 1862.
2011 May
- Szerb Antal: A Pendragon Legenda 1934.2x
2011 April
- Terry Pratchett: Going Postal 2004.
2011 March
- Szendrei Julianna: Gondolod, hogy egyre megy? 2005.
- Popper Péter: Az önmagába térő ösvény 1990. 3x
2011 February
- Badár Sándor, Horváth János: Jappán 2007.
- Yasutoshi Yasuda: Go as Communication 2002.
- Mikhail Bulgakov: Mester és Margarita 1973. 3x
2011 January
2010 December
2010 November
- Sung-Hwa Hong: First kyu 1999. 2x
- Shan Sa: A gójátékos (La Joueuse de Go - The Girl Who Played Go) 2001.
2010 October
- Terry Pratchett, Neil Gaiman: Good Omens 1990.
2010 August
- Moldova György: A pénz szaga. Riport a kamionsofőrökről. 1986
2010 June
- Philibert Schogt: Wild Numbers 2000.
- Philip K. Dick: Visszafelé világ (Counter-clock World) 1967.
2010 May
- Logicomix - An Epic Search for Truth by Apostolos Doxiadis, Christos H. Papadimitriou, 2009.
2010 April
- Mark Ronan: Symmetry and the Monster - One of the Greatest Quest of Mathematics 2006 2x
- John Gribbin: In Search of Superstrings: Symmetry, Membranes and the Theory of Everything 2007
2010 March
- Koushun Takami: Battle Royale 1999.
2010 February
- Viktor Pelevin: Számok 2003.
- Ottlik Géza: Iskola a határon 1959. 2x
2010 January
- Terry Pratchett: Reaper Man 1991.
2009 December
- Terry Pratchett: [[Hogfather]] 1996.
2009 November
- Fekete István: Gyeplő nélkül 1947.
- Avner Ash, Robert Gross: Fearless Symmetry:Exposing the Hidden Patterns of Numbers 2006.
2009 October
- Umberto Eco: [[Focault's Pendulum]] 1989. 2x
2009 September
- Steven Strogatz: [[The Calculus Friendship]] 2009.
2009 August
- Klaus Jänich: Linear Algebra 1994. Springer UTM
- Karl Sabbagh: [[Dr.Riemann's Zeros]] 2002.
- John Polkinghorne: Quantum Theory: A Very Short Introduction (Very Short Introductions) 2002.
- Farley Mowat: Lost in Barrens 1956.
- Dan Brown: Angels and Demons 2001.
2009 July
- Eli Maor: "e": The Story of a Number 1998.
- Elias Canetti: Káprázat (Auto da fe, Die Blendung) 1935.
2009 June
- Mikszáth Kálmán: Beszterce ostroma 1894.
- Arthur C. Clarke: The Fountains of Paradise 1979.
2009 May
2009 April
2009 March
2009 February
- Terry Pratchett: Wyrd Sisters 1988.
- Terry Pratchett: Night Watch 2002.
2009 January
- Terry Pratchett: Fifth Elephant 1999.
- Ian Stewart: Why Beauty is Truth? The History of Symmetry 2007.
2008 December
- Mikszáth Kálmán: Szent Péter esernyője 2x
- Ray Kurzweil: The Singularity is Near 2004.
- Dan Brown: [[Da Vinci Code]] 2003.
2008 November
- Guillermo Martínez: The Oxford Murders 2005.
2008 October
- Paul Hoffman: A Prímember. Erdõs Pál kalandjai a matematika végtelenjében 1998.
- Márai Sándor : Szindbád hazatér
2008 Sept
- C. S. Lewis: The Last Battle 1956.
- Mikszáth Kálmán: A gavallérok 1897, A sipsirica 1902, A lohinai fű 1885, Kísértet Lublón 1893.
2008 August
- Neil Gershenfeld: When Things Start to Think 1999.
- Móricz Zsigmond: Betyár 1937.
- Johan Goudsblom: Tűz és civilizáció 1992.
- Fekete István: Zsellérek 1937.
- Juhász Árpád: A kőolaj nyomában 1979.
- Farley Mowat: The dog who wouldn't be 1984.
- Farley Mowat: Víziszonyos vitorlás [The boat who wouldn't float] 1969. 2x
2008 July
- Philip Pullman: His Dark Materials, Part 3: The Amber Spyglass 2000.
- Graham Booth: Narrowboat Planning: Designing the Interior of Your Boat 2005.
- M. Du Sautoy: Finding Moonshine: A Mathematician's Journey Through Symmetry 2008.
2008 June
- Nick Billingham: Narrow Boats: Care and Maintenance 1995.
- Andy Burnett, Graham Booth: Inland Boat Owners Book 2000.
- Philip Pullman: His Dark Materials, Part 2: Subtle Knife 1997.
- Philip Pullman: His Dark Materials, Part 1: Northern Lights 1995.
2008 May
- C.S. Lewis: The Silver Chair (6th Narnia book) 1953.
- C.S. Lewis: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader (5th Narnia book) 1952.
2008 April
- C.S. Lewis: Prince Caspian (4th Narnia book) 1951.
- Ross W. Duffin: How Equal Temperament Ruined Harmony (and Why You Should Care) 2006.
- Terry Pratchett: Mort, a halál kisinasa 1919.
2008 March
- Arnold Steinhardt: Violin Dreams 2006.
- Mikszáth Kálmán: A Noszty fiú esete Tóth Marival 1908.
2008 February
- Mikszáth Kálmán: Különös házasság 1900.
- Jim Fleser: The Chord Wheel: The Ultimate Tool for All Musicians 2000.
- Sir Walter Scott: Rob Roy 1817.
2008 January
- One Stop Short of Barking: Uncovering the London Underground by Mecca Ibrahim 2004.
Very, very short...
- Mikszáth Kálmán: Új Zrínyiász 1898. 2x
2007 December
- Mikszáth Kálmán: A fekete város 1910.
- Csorba János: Bár emlékezete maradjon meg... 2000.
Egy széki ember emlékei. Hát más világ volt az biztos. Most azért panaszkodunk, hogy mennyire tönkreteszi a karácsonyi hangulatot, hogy az üzletek már november feldíszülnek. Kevesebb mint 100 éve egy szolgalegénynek még az volt a karácsony, hogy beengedték a meleg házba, s kapott új csizmát. Persze a zene még a lélek gyógyírja volt, s nem szórakoztatás.
2007 November
- Agócs Gergely - Gombai Tamás: Kürti bandák A Vág- Garam köze népzenéje 2004. // A tanulmány része rövid, de érdekes. A zene igen jó, úgyhogy megtanulásra kerül majd.//
- Tove Jansson: Finn Family Moomintroll 1948. // I already knew all the stuff here from the cartoons: Hobgoblin's Hat, Hattifatteners' Island, King of Ruby, etc.//
2007 October
- Móricz Zsigmond: Rózsa Sándor összevonja szemöldökét 1941. // A trilógia második része. Ez gyakorlatilag a 48-as eseményekről beszél, csak éppen egy színfalak mögötti nézőpontból. //
- M. A. Armstrong: Groups and Symmetry 1988. 2x // I like rereading this elementary group theory book, whenever I need to recall the most basic ideas of group theory. It is an excellent math textbook. //
- Tove Jansson: Comet in Moominland 1946. // Snufkin is the best. The apocalypse idea is quite timely nowadays (meteor strike, global warming), but don't worry Moominvalley comes out OK.//
2007 September
- Mark Ronan: Symmetry and the Monster - One of the Greatest Quest of Mathematics 2006. // Well, a popular science book about the classification of finite simple groups. I understood and enjoyed it and learned from it, but I'm working in a neighbouring field (semigroup theory). The author often talks about mathematical notions that are undefined. The classification is a huge project, so this is indeed not surprising. //
- Jules Verne: A dunai hajós 1908. 2x // Nem lett volna rossz, ha ezt a könyvet kicsit hosszabban írja meg, lehetett volna részletezni az utazást...//
- Vladimir Igorevich Arnold: Catastrophe Theory 1984.
- Móricz Zsigmond: Rózsa Sándor a lovát ugratja 1941. // Szeged környéke, tanyavilág. Sokminden nem történik a regényben, de az annál alaposabban történik. A jó meghal, a rossz csak részben nyeri el büntetését, jó életből vett történet. Köpőverseny, a csárdában. //
2007 August
Jack Kerouac: Úton [On the Road, 1957] // Ez volt az első könyv amit angolul olvastam. Persze egy szót nem értettem akkor belőle.// Jókai Mór: Fekete gyémántok 1870. //Lényegesen gyengébb mint az Arany ember. Idejétmúlt spekulatív őstörténet betét. A barlangi kezdőjelenet jó, meg a tivornya a kastélyban. A befejezés erősen összecsapott.// Fekete István: Bogáncs 1978. 2x //Tiszavalkon találkoztunk egy pumival, meg a Tisza-túrás könyvtárban is volt egy példány. Innen az újraolvasás ötlete.// M.A. Armstrong: Basic Topology 1979. //Good intuitive introduction to topology. This was the book for the canoeing tour on Tisza this year. It made some stir among the people, coffe cup is a doughnut, and similar things. //
2007 July
Jókai Mór: Arany Ember 1872. 2x //Folyó, sziget, hajózás, tánc a jégen... Most ezek miatt tetszett.// Robert J. Sawyer: Mindscan 2005. //Wow! Very tough book about uploading. A must have for lawyers, students of law! These times are coming...// John Marchese: The Violin Maker: Finding a Centuries-Old Tradition in a Brooklyn Workshop 2007. //An insightful view about violin making from an outsider.// A.B. Sossinsky: Knots: Mathematics with a Twist 2004. //Excellent appetizer for knot theory.//
2007 June
- C.S. Lewis: The Horse and his Boy 1954. //This is a good story, quite independent from the main Narnia story though. I like the city of Tashban. //
2007 May
- C.S. Lewis: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe 1950. //This the Narnia book. Not bad, but it is not up to Tolkien's world. //
- C.S. Lewis: The Magician's Nephew 1955. //The 0th Narnia book. I like the forest where you can jump between worlds. But it is indeed a weird remake of the Christian creation myth.//
2007 April
- Stuart McHardy: MacPherson's Rant: And Other Tales of the Scottish Fiddle 2004. //Excellent collection of short tales of scottish fiddling. I did not know before that Scotland (and the islands above) had such a rich tradition. Irish fiddling is better advertised internationally.//
2007 March
- Wolfgang Reisig: Petri Nets - An Introduction 1982. //The seminal work on Petri nets.//
- Kertész Imre: Sorstalanság [Faithlessness] 1975.
2007 February
- Kósa László - Szemerkényi Ágnes: Apáról fiúra - Néprajzi kalauz 2006. //Tankönyvszerű, sok képpel.//
2007 January
- Adrian Ingram: The Gibson 335: Its History and Its Players 2006.
- Szentkuthy Miklós: Doktor Haydn 1959.
- Marcus du Sautoy: The Music of the Primes: Why an Unsolved Problem in Mathematics Matters Marcus du Sautoy 2003.
2006 December
- Móricz Zsigmond: Erdély I
2006 November
- Dave Hunter: The Electric Guitar Sourcebook: How to Find the Sounds You Like 2006.
- Francis Rumsey: Tim McCormick Sound and Recording: An Introduction 2002.
2006 October
- Jean-Marie Proth, Xiaolan Xie: Petri Nets: A Tool for Design and Management of Manufacturing Systems 1997.
2006 September
- Robert Winter, Robert Martin The Beethoven Quartet Companion 1996.
- Farley Mowatt Víziszonyos vitorlás [The Boat who would not float 1969.]
- Muriel Nissel Married to the Amadeus - Life With a String Quartet 1998.
2006 Aug
- Hankiss Elemér Az ezerarcú én 2005.
2006 July
- Keith Wyatt Harmony and Theory: A Comprehensive Source for All Musicians 1998.
- Frédéric Chaudiere Egy hegedű viszontagságai [Tribulations d’un stradivarius en Amérique. 2005]
- Richard Feynmann Hat majdnem könnyű előadás [Six not-so-easy pieces, Einstein's Relativity, Symmetry, and Space-Time 1963.]
- Richard Feynmann Hat könnyű előadás [Six easy pieces, 1963.]
2006 June
- Enrico Fermi Thermodynamics 1937.
- Umberto Eco Baudolino 2000.
2006 May
- Móricz Zsigmond:Rokonok
- Lázár Ervin: A négyszögletû kerek erdõ
- Andrej Kurkov: A pingvin és a halál
- Robert Stevenson: A fekete nyíl [The Black Arrow]
2006 April
- Illyés Gyula: A puszták népe 1934. 2x
- Móricz Zsigmond: Sárarany 2x
- Douglas Adams: Az élet, a világmindenség meg minden [Mostly harmless]
- Douglas Adams: Viszlát és köszi a halakat []
2006 March
- Douglas Adams: Az élet, a világmindenség meg minden [Life, universe and everything]
- Douglas Adams: Vendéglõ a világ végén [Restaurant at the end of the universe] 2x
- Douglas Adams: Galaxis Útikalauz Stopposoknak [Hitchhikers' Guide to the Galaxy] 4x
- Zoltai Dénes: A zeneesztétika rövid története
- Devich Sándor: A vonósnégyes egykor és ma 2005.
2006 February (SFI trip)
2006 January
- Márai Sándor: Egy polgár vallomásai
2005 December
- Philip K. Dick: Figyel az ég [Eye in the Sky 1957.]
- Rüdiger Safranski: Mennyi globalizációt bír el az ember? [Wieviel Globalisierung vertra:gt der Mensch? 2003.]
- Csányi Vilmos: Bukfenc és Jeromos - Hogyan gondolkodnak a kutyák? 2.kiadás 2005.
- Rideg Sándor: Indul a bakterház 1943.
- Farley Mowat: Ne féljünk a farkastól![Never Cry Wolf (1963)]
2005 November
- Konrad Lorenz: Ember és kutya [So kam der Mensch auf den Hund 1954.]
- Frank Schätzing: A raj [Der Schwarm 2004]
- Móricz Zsigmond: Nem élhetek muzsikaszó nélkül
- Hegedűs Géza: A költői mesterség - bevezetés a magyar verstanba 1992. 2x
2005 October
- Gerald Durrell: Madarak, vadak, rokonok [Birds, beasts, relatives 1969].
- John Holt: Never Too Late - My Musical Life Story 1978.
- Móricz Zsigmond: úri muri 1928. 2x
2005 September
- Kós Károly: Varjú nemzetség 1925.
- Gerald Durrell: Kalandorok az õserdõben [Three singles to adventure 1964.]
- Julie Lyonn Liebermann: Rockin' out with Blues Fiddle 2000.
- Yehudi Menuhin, Curtis W. Davis: Az ember zenéje [The Music of Man 1979.]
- Szerb Antal: Utas és holdvilág 1937.
- Szerb Antal: A Pendragon Legenda 1934.
- Carl Dahlhaus - Hans Heinrich Eggebrecht: Mi a zene? [Was ist Musik? 1987.]
- Sütõ András: Anyám könnyû álmot ígér 1996.
2005 August
- Arkagyij és Borisz Sztrugackij: Piknik az árokparton, Stalker 1972. 3x
- Fekete István: Hajnal Badányban 19??
- Móricz Zsigmond: Erdély I : Tündérkert 1934. 2x
- Csoóri Sándor: Visszanéztem félutamból 2004.
- Fekete István: A koppányi aga testamentuma 1937. 2x
- Tibor Fisher: Gógyigaleri [The Thought Gang 1994.]
2005 July
2005 June
- Simon Singh: A nagy Fermat-sejtés [ Fermat's Enigma 1997.]
- Vörösmarty Mihály: Csongor és Tünde 1830. 2x
- Gróf Bánffy Miklós: Erdélyi történet 1940.
- Tsai Chi Chung: A beszélõ Zen 1994.
2005 May
- Werner Fuld: Az elátkozott Paganini 2001.
- Stanislaw Lem: Az úr hangja 1968. 2x
2005 April
- Csányi Vilmos: Jeromos, a barátom 2002.
- Toby Faber: Stradivarius: Five Violins, One Cello and a Genius 2004.
2005 March
- Fekete István: Vuk, Csí, Tavasz, Toronyban, éjfél után 2x
- Robert J. Sawyer: Golden Fleece 1990.
2005 February
- Gerald Durrell: Vadászat felvevõgéppel [Two in the Bush, 1966.]
- W. Henry Hill: Antonio Stradivari His Life and Work (1644-1737) 1902.
- Abkarovits Endre: Táncházi portrék 2003.
- Tamási áron: ábel Amerikában
2005 January
- James Beament: The Violin Explained - Components, Mechanism and Sound 1997.
- Tamási áron: ábel az országban
- Strings Magazine: Violin Owner's Manual 2001.
- Tamási áron: ábel a rengetegben 1932. 2x
2004 December
- Tom Stoppard: Rosencrantz és Guildenstern halott 1966.
- William Shakespeare: Hamlet 1601. 4x
- Okos Tibor: A hangszeres magyar népzenérõl 2004.
- Isaac Asimov: Alapítvány és Föld [Foundation and Earth] 1986.
- Janna Levin: How The Universe Got Its Spots 2002.
2004 November
- Yasunari Kawabata: The Master of Go 1951.
- Thomas Mann: Varázshegy 1924.
- Hikaru No Go Vol.2.
- Stanislav Lem: Szénanátha[Chain of Chance],Maszk,137 másodperc, Donda Prof 1976.
- Dr. Shung-Hwa Hong: First Kyu 1999.
2004 October
- Fekete István: Téli berek 2x
- Fekete István: Tüskevár 3x
- Fung Yu Lan: A kínai filozófia rövid története [Short History of Chinese Philosophy]1946.
2004 September
- Yumi Hotta, Takeshi Obata: Hikaru No Go Vol.1 2004.
- M. Aschbacher: Finite Group Theory 2000.
- Cho Chikun: Go - A complete introduction to the game 1997.
- Rober J. Sawyer: Calculating God 2000.
- Jean-Pierre Changeux, Alain Connes: Conversations on Mind, Matter and Mathematics 1989.
- Robin Wilson: Four colours suffice, How the map problem was solved 2002.
- Yann Martel: Pi élete [Life of Pi]2003.
2004 August
- Alessandro Baricco: Tengeróceán
- Thinking about mathematics - The philosophy of mathematics by Stewart Shapiro, 2000.
- Fekete István: Lutra 2x
- Greg Bear: A vér zenéje [Blood Music 1985.]
2004 July
- Terry Pratchett:A mágia színe [The colour of magic 1983.]
- Sat-okh (Hosszú Toll): A Sós Sziklák völgye 1958.
- Iain M. Banks: Sötét háttér elõtt [Against a Dark Background 1993.]
- Where Mathematics Comes From - How the embodied mind brings mathematics into being by George Lakoff, Rafael E. Núñez, 2000.
- Philip K. Dick: Ubik 1969.
2004 June
- B.A.Davey-H.A.Priestley: Introduction to Lattices and Order Second Edition 2002.
- Alan Watts: A bizonytalanság bölcsessége [Wisdom of Insecurity 195?.]
- Hajime Sato: Algebraic Topology: Intuituve Approach 1999.
- Umberto Eco: Hat séta a fikció erdejében [Six Walks in the Fictional Woods 1994.]
- Janwillem van de Wetering: the empty mirror 1973.
- Andrásfai Béla: Vonalak és felületek topológiája 1994. 2x
- R. L. Stevenson: A kincses sziget [Treasure Island, 1895.] 2x
- Keith Devlin: Matematika - a láthatatlan megjelenítése [The language of Mathematics: making the invisible visible, 1998.]
- A jövõ a számtantudósoké - Magyar szerzõk írásai a matematikáról 2004.
- Richard P. Feynman: "Tréfál, Feynman úr?" [Surely, You're Joking, Mr. Feynman?, 1997.]
2004 May
- Richard Bach: A sirály [Jonathan, the seagull]
- Douglas Adams: Dirk Gently holisztikus nyomozóirodája [Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency, 1988.]
- Benjamin C. Pierce: Basic Category Theory for Computer Scientists, 1991. 2x
- Popper Péter: Az önmagába térõ ösvény 2004. 4.kiadás
- George Lakoff, Mark Johnson: Metaphors We Live By 1980.
- William F. Lawver, Robert Rosenburgh: Sets for Mathematics 2003.
- Robert J. Sawyer: Flashforward 2000.
- Kir Bulicsov: Az utolsó háború 1970.
2004 April
- Robert Rosen: Life Itself 1991.
- Clifford Pickover: Liquid Earth 2002.
- Ted Chiang: Stories of your life and others 2001.
2004 March
- Marcia Ascher: Ethnomathematics - A Multicultural View of Mathematical Ideas 1991.
2004 February
- Abe Kóbó: A homok asszonya [19??.]
- G. H. Hardy: A mathematician's apology 1940.
- Simone de Beauvoir: Minden ember halandó [Tous les hommes sont mortales, 1946?]
- Aposztolosz Doxiadisz: Petrosz bácsi és a Goldbach-sejtés [1992, 2000]
- Gerald Durrell: Családom és egyéb állatfajták [My Family and Other Animals, 1956.]
2004 January
- Keith Devlin: Math Gene - How Mathematical Thinking Evolved and Why Numbers are like Gossip 2000.
- Timothy Gowers: Mathematics - A Very Short Introduction 2002. Oxford
- Michel Houllebecq: Elemi Részecskék [Le particules élémentaires, 1998.]
2003 December
- Stanilas Dehaene: A számérzék [The Number Sense: How the Mind Creates Mathematics, 1997.]
- Umberto Eco: A rózsa neve [Il nome della rosa 1980.] 2x
- H. Jürgensen, F. Migliorini, J. Szép: Semigroups 1991.
- Gerald Durrell: A halak jelleme [Fillets of Plaice 1971.]
- Hankiss-Csányi-Fehér-Jelenits-Pléh: Az ember és az antilop 2001.
- John M. Howie: Fundamentals of Semigroup Theory 2nd. ed. 1995.
- László Ervin: A rendszerelmélet távlatai [Systhemtheorie als Weltanschauung 1996.]
- Friedrich Nietzsche: A tragédia születése, avagy görögség és pesszimizmus [Die Geburt der Tragödie oder Griechentum und Pessimismus, 1871.] 2x
- Konrad Lorenz: A civilizált emberiség nyolc halálos bûne 1973.
- Füst Milán: Feleségem története - Störr kapitány feljegyzései 1957.
- Nemeskürty István: Mi magyarok 1989.
2003 November
- Benjamin C. Pierce: Basic Category Theory for Computer Scientists, 1991.
- Thomas H. Block: Azután [Airship Nine, 1984.]
- Paul R. Halmos: Naive Set Theory 1960.
- Gerald Durrell: Az istenek kertje [The Garden of Gods, 1978.]
2003 October
- Sír a Tisza (Bognár Antal, Ed.) 2000
- Faubion Bowers (editor): The Classic Tradition of HAIKU, An Anthology 1996
- Olof Johannesson: A nagy számítógép 1966. 2x
- Edwin A. Abbott: Síkföld [Flatland -- A romance of many dimensions, 1884.]
- M.A. Armstrong: Groups and Symmetry 1988.
- Hankiss Elemér: Az emberi kaland 2002.
- Herman Weyl: Symmetry 1952.
- Szentiványi Jenõ: A kõbaltás ember 1972. 2x
- Nagy József: Vége??? Az emberiség lehetõségei 2000-2050-ig 1998?
- Iain M. Banks: Játékmester 2003. [The Player of Games 1988.]
2003 September
- Taisen Deshimaru: Az igazi Zen
- Howard H. Pattee (ed.): Hierarchy Theory 1973.
- Kárpáti Andor: Kurvajó! 2002.
- Steven Johnson: Emergence 2001.
2003 August
- Andy Clark: Natural-Born Cyborgs: Minds, Technologies, and the Future of Human Intelligence 2003.
- Philip K. Dick: Az ember a Fellegvárban [orig. The Man in the High Castle, 1962]
- Bohumil Hrabal: õfelsége pincére voltam 1971.
- Márai Sándor: Föld!Föld! Emlékezések 1944-48. 1972.
- Paulo Coelho: Az alkimista
- Philip K. Dick: Különvélemény (novella válogatás)
2003 July
- Akutagava Rjúnoszuke: A vihar kapujában
- Hermann Hesse: Demian
- Rüdiger Safranski: Nietzsche, szellemi életrajz
2003 June
- Sebeõk János: Sárkányviadal 1976-77, 2003.
- Albert-László Barabási: Behálózva 2003. [orig. Linked: How Everything Is Connected to Everything Else and What It Means for Business, Science, and Everyday Life , 2002]
- Glenn Yeffeth (editor): Taking the Red Pill: Science,Philosophy and Religion in "The Matrix" 2003.
- William Gibson: Neurománc (Neuromancer, 1984) 2x
- Sebeők János: Földefelkelte 2003.
- Kurt Vonnegut: Az ötös számú vágóhíd [orig. Slaughterhouse Five, 1966.]
- Stanislaw Lem: Béke a földön [Peace on Earth, 1992]
- Staar Gyula: Matematikusok és teremtett világuk, beszélgetések 2002. [interviews with mathematicians]
- Ursula K. Le Guin: égi eszterga 1992. [orig. The Lathe of Heaven, 1971.]
- Alan W. Watts: A zen útja 1997. [orig. The Way of Zen, 1957]
2003 May
- Krúdy Gyula: Szindbád és társai - válogatott novellák 1911-1933.
- Stefan Helmreich: Silicon Second Nature - Culturing Artificial Life in a Digital World. 1998.
- Csáth Géza: Mesék, amelyek rosszul végzõdnek 1906-1918. 2x
- Neal Stephenson: Snow Crash 1992.
- Steven Levy: Hackers - heroes of the computer revolution 1984.
2003 April
- Luciano de Crescenzo: A görög filozófia rendhagyó története 1995.
- Doron Swade: The cogwheel brain - Charles Babbage and the quest to build the first computer 2000.
- Greg Egan: Axiomatic 1998.
- Viktor Pelevin: Az agyag géppuska 1996.
2003 March
- Pekka Himanen: The Hacker Ethic and the Spirit of the Information Age 2001.
- Füst Milán: Ez mind én voltam egykor, Hábi-Szádi kûzdelmeinek könyve 1957.
- Richard Dawkins: River out of Eden 1995.
- Mihail Bulgakov: A Mester és Margarita, 1973. 2x
- Milan Kundera: A lét elviselhetetlen könnyûsége 1984 2x
- Thomas Mann: Halál Velencében, 1911. 2x
- Douglas R. Hofstadter: Gödel, Escher, Bach. TypoTeX 1998.
- Az idõ hídján - a mai magyar SF tükre 2000.
- Linus Torvalds & David Diamond: Just for Fun - The Story of an Accidental Revolutionary L.T. Creator of Linux, 2001.
- Glyn Moody: Rebel Code - Linux and the Open Source Revolution, 2002. Penguin Books
2003 February
- Stephen Jay Gould: Wonderful Life - The Burgess Shale and the Nature of History 1988
- Bohumil Hrabal: Táncórák idõsebbeknek és haladóknak 1964, Bambini di Praga 1947, Szigorúan ellenõrzött vonatok 1965, Sörgyár capriccio 1976 2x
- Richard Dawkins: Szivárványbontás (Unweaving the Rainbow) 1998
- Csáth Géza: Napló 1912-1913
- Umberto Eco: A tegnap szigete 1994
- Stanislaw Lem: Szempillantás 2000
- Daniel Keyes: Flowers for Algernon, 1959,1966.
- Erik Davis: TechGnosis, 1998.
2003 January
- Ray Kurzweil: The age of spiritual machines, 1999.
- David A. Hardy: Visions of Space, artists journey through the cosmos, 1989.
- Michael Crichton: Prey, 2002.
2002 December
(Japan visit)
2002 November
- David Joyner: Adventures in group theory: Rubik's Cube, Merlin's machine, and other mathematical toys, 2002.
- Herbert A. Simon: The Sciences of the Artificial, Third Edition, 1996.
2002 October
- Douglas Adams: Vendéglõ a világ végén
- Douglas Adams: Galaxis útikalauz stopposoknak (The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy, 1979) 3x
2002 September
- Gáspár András: Kiálts farkast, 1990, 1997
- Arkagyij és Borisz Sztrugackij: A kárhozott város, 1988
- Reuben Hersh: A matematika természete (What is mathematics, really?)
- Andy Clark: A megismerés építõkövei (Microcognition. Philosophy, Cognitive Science, and Parallel Distributed Processing, 1989)
- Alan Dean Foster: A Fekete Lyuk (The Black Hole, 1979)
- William Gibson: Mona Lisa Overdrive, 1988
- Csányi Vilmos: Kis etológia, 2002
2002 August
- A Hatodik pátriárka szutrája (The Sutra of Hui Neng)
- William Gibson: Virtuálfény (Virtual Light, 1993)
- William Gibson: Idoru, 1996
- William Gibson: Izzó króm (Burning Chrome, 1987 - Johnny mnemonic, Fragments of a Hologram Rose, The Belonging Kind, Hinterlands, Red Star Winter Orbit, New Rose Hotel, The Winter Market, Dogfight, Burning Chrome)
- Greg Egan:Karantén (Quarantine, 1992)
- William Gibson: Számláló nullára (Count Zero - Neuromancer 2, 1986)
- Olaf Stapledon: Az utolsó és elsõ emberek (Last and First Men, 1930)
- Eugen Herrigel: A zen-út (Der Zen-Weg, 1958)
- William Gibson: Neurománc (Neuromancer, 1984)
- Daniel Quinn: Izmael (Ishmael, 1992)
- Stanislaw Lem: Solaris, 1961 2x
- Michael Crichton: Idõvonal (Timeline, 1999)
- Murray Lenster: A grekek ajándéka (The Greks Bring Gifts, 1964)
2002 July
- Michael Coloman: Kiszámíthatatlan számítógépek (Crashing Computers) 1999.
- Stanislaw Lem: Képzelt nagyság, 1973 2x
- Szigeti György (szerk.): Zen történetek, 1996.
- Kim Stanley Robinson: A vörös Mars (Red Mars), 1992.
- Jacek Zakowski: Mrozek, 1996
- Mircea Eliade: Különös kalandok - Cigánylányok, Egy nagy ember, Honigberger doktor titka (Secretul doctorului Honigberger, 1940), A kígyó (Sarpele, 1938)
- Zeisler István: A zen átadása buddhától buddháig, 1996.
- E. H. Carr: Mi a történelem? (What is History?) 1986.
- Shunryu Suzuki: A zen szellem az örök kezdõk szelleme (The Zen Spirit, The Spirit of Eternal Beginners), 1970.
- Salman Rushdie: Az éjfél gyermekei (Midnight's Children), 1981.
- Introduction to Buddhism and the Practice of Zazen -The Teachings of Gudo Nishijima Roshi by Eido Michael Luetchford, 2000.
- A zen - Szung Szán zen mester tanítása (The teaching of Zen Master Seung Sahn) 1997.
- Taisen Desimaru: Az út gyakorlása (Question to a Zen Master) 1991.
2002 June
- Thor Heyerdahl: A Ra expedícók (The Ra expedition, 1972?)
- Gennagyij Jefimovics Gorelik: Miért háromdimenziós a tér? (Why is the Space Three Dimensional, 1982)
- Hugo M. Enomiya-Lassalle, S.J.: Zen - út a megvilágosodáshoz (Zen - Weg zur Erleuchtung, 1995)
- Diana & Richard St Ruth: A zen buddhizmus (The Simple Guide to the Zen Buddhism, 1998)
- Komatsu Sakyo: A holnap elrablói, Novellák 1971
- Isaac Asimov: Nightfall 1941, Frustration 1991.
- Arthur C. Clarke: 2061 Harmadik (2061 Odyssey Three, 1987)
- Stephen Hawking: Az idõ rövid története (A Brief History of Time, 1988)
- Arkagyij és Borisz Sztrugackij: Sánta sors (1986)
- Rüdiger Safranski: Egy némethoni mester, Heidegger es kora (Ein Meister aus Deutschland, Heidegger und seine Zeit,1994 [Heidegger's life])
- Clifford D. Simak: A város (City, 1952)
- Arkagyij és Borisz Sztrugackij: Válaszd az életet (1986)
2002 May
- Herbert Ziergiebel: A világűr foglyai (Die andere Welt, 1966)
- Arkagyij és Borisz Sztrugackij: Piknik az árokparton, Stalker (Roadside Picnic, Stalker, 1980)
- Isaac Asimov: Előjáték az alapítványhoz (Forward the Foundation, 1993)
- Isaac Asimov: A halhatatlanság halála (The End of Eternity, 1963)
- Claudio Magris: Duna (Danubio, 1986 [Danube])
- Laczkó Géza: Innen és túl 1981.
- Ursula K. Le Guin: A sötétség balkeze (The Left Hand of Darkness, 1969)
2002 April
- Isaac Asimov: Az alapítvány pereme (The foundation's edge, 1982)
- Leon Lederman: Az isteni a-tom, Mi a kérdés, ha a válasz a világegyetem? (The God Particle, If the Universe Is the Answer, What Is the Question?, 1993)
- Simon Mitton: A Rák-köd (The Crab Nebula, 1979)
- Michael Rowan-Robinson: Kozmikus tájkép (Cosmic Landscape, 1979)
2002 March
- Kuczka Péter (szerk.): ötvenedik (short science-fiction stories, 1977)
- Isaac Asimov: Az istenek is... (The Gods Themselves, 1982)
- Isaac Asimov: A robbanó napok (The Exploding Suns, 1985)
- Carl Sagan: Kapcsolat (Contact, 1985)
- Arthur C. Clarke: Randevú a Rámával (Rendezvous with Rama, 1973)
2002 February
- Martin Rees: A kezdetek kezdete (Before the Begining. Our Universe and Others. 1997)
- John D. Barrow: A világegyetem születése (The Origin of the Universe 1994)
- Fred Hoyle: A fekete felhő (The Black Cloud 1957)
Asztronómiai anomália, csillagközi élőlény, civilizáció összeomlása, szóval ez egy igen jó scifi.
- Paul Davies: Az ötödik csoda (The Fifth Miracle: The Search for the Origin of Life, 1998)
- Steven Weinberg: Az első három perc (The First Three Minutes - A Modern View of the Origin of the Universe, 1977)
- P. W. Atkins: A periódusos birodalom (The Periodic Kingdom, 1995)
I read many books before 2002, but unfortunaltely I did not have the idea of recording them.